Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A photograph

I didn't manage to get any photos of me working but I did find this one photo of me sitting in the background doing nothing.

My Time At Viva La Gong- the memoirs of Benjamin Hurry

I decided to do my work placement with Viva la Gong. To do this i sent in my forms with Anna and talked a bit with Paolo about what I could and couldn't do and when I could work. Paolo an I spoke over the phone on several occasions preparing work placement and my first job came the thursday before the event started and saw me helping set up the inside of the Big Top. This was hard work and something I would not ever want to do again. This job took about four and a half hours to complete. My second job was at the Wollongong Art gallery where I got to play waiter for the night. This was also less than fun. For three hours I walked around handing out canapes and mini pizzas and various finger foods. Thankfully the rest of my jobs were more fun. I was front of house at the Tim Freedman concert for the rest of the night. Overall my first day taught me that working a big event like Viva la Gong was harder than i originally thought. it taught me a bit about how to be a good waiter as well as developing my people skills.
My second day started at midday and saw me stopping traffic at the carpark where some supreme moron tried to threaten his way in. is exact words were: "let me in. Don't you know i'm...."
When I replied that i didn't care you he was he reversed out mumbling something about me being sorry. Well, i'm still alive and he didn't get his parking space so I guess I win. From there I wandered the rest of the day collecting surveys and helping Hamish as assistant stage manager.
I worked with Hamish all saturday as well for the entire day.
On Sunday I was assisstant to the assistant stage manager at the Big Top and worked front of house for the Bluescope Youth Orchestra. After that I got a free Crown lager off one of the Volunteer Coordinators and got to go home.
My time at Viva la Gong taught me alot of skills which I will be able to use in a future job setting. It increased my organsational skills and my communication skills as well as heling me learn to deal with unsavoury people who want to complain about insignificant things which really don't matter.
Overall Viva la Gong was a fun experience which taught me alot of useful things. I would never do it again because it is just so draining but it was fun.